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Trade Name Hadjod, Veld grape, Perandi
Common Name Veld grape, Edible Stemmed Vine
Botanical Name Cissus quadrangularis Linn.
Family Vitaceae
Synonyms Vitis quadrangularis (L.) Wall. ex Wight
Part used In ayurvedic proprietary medicine dried stem of veld grape is used
Product nature High quality Fresh Veld grape- Hadjod- Perandi- Cissus quadrangularis


Fresh Veldt Grape Suppliers


Fresh Veld grape is a creeper and with simple leaves (entire leaves). The leaves are simple or lobed, cordate, broadly ovate or reniform, serrate, dentate, sometimes 3-foliate and glabrous. Stem is buff colored with greenish ting, dichotomously branched, sub-angular, glabrous, fibrous and smooth. The main chemical constituents are present in various parts of the stem. In traditional medicine, the dry veldt crepe dry veldt grape stem used as bone setter to heal the fractured bones and bone remineralization. It has an excellent anti-osteoporotic activity with osteoblast activity and high rate of mineralization. The stem of Fresh Veld grape contains high amount of calcium and also used a supplement in the case of calcium deficiency.


The stem contains main constituents like α and β‑amyrin, β‑sitosterol, ketosetosterol, phenols, tannins, vitamin, carotene. Friedeline is the major phytoestrogen present in the stem of Dry Veld grape, increases the rate of mineralization through modulation of estrogenic receptors.


Not for therapeutic purpose. To be used in ayurvedic preparation and formulations.

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