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Quick description

Trade Name Java Tea Leaves
Common Name Misai Kucing
Botanical Name Orthosiphon stamineus
Family Lamiaceae
Synonyms Arjak, Barbiflore, Clerodendranthus spicatus, Clerodendrum spicatum
Part used Leaves and twig
Product nature High Quality Dried Java Tea Leaves with Twig


Java Tea Leave Suppliers


Java tea leaves have been shown to promote health and is also used to treat diabetes, gout, and inflammation of the kidneys or bladder. There is a different grade of java tea leaves available on the market, with the primary difference between them all being the way the leaves are dried.

Herbcyte uses a shade drying technique that helps us produce dried java tea leaves that are moisture-free and of high quality. We particularly use this approach to deliver large quantities of high-grade dry   leaves for herbal products manufacturing and the extraction process.

The scientific experts of Herbcyte incorporating the best processing work flow brings as a one of the leading  Java Tea Leaves Suppliers in a globally.



The plant extract reveals the presence of phytochemicals such as Eupatorin, Rosmarinic acid and Sinensetin


Not for therapeutic purpose. Dried Java tea leaves to be used for herbal product manufacturing and extraction process.

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